HON Voi Desking


Voi, The HON Company’s light scale desk launched in 2011, has been reimagined to meet the needs of today’s office. The styling is sleek and refined, reflecting a lighter scale. And, as horizontal work surface planes are combined or layered with storage in a variety of configurations, it creates a look that is fresh, simple and dynamic. While Voi provides an integrated design throughout a workplace, unifying a variety of spaces with consistent style, it attractively fits into an array of décors, whether conventional or contemporary.

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HON 101 Series


Whether you’re setting up a home office or amping up your business, the 101 Series helps you create space a certain way. You know…your way. Professional. Stylish. And ready for what’s next. 101’s curated selection includes the most popular elements and layouts to support today’s ever changing workplace demands. Choose the one that fits you best, and get back to work faster than ever. With 101, you get everything you need, without all the homework.

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HON Concinnity Desking

Your space speaks volumes about you and your brand. People take notice of the rich woodgrains. Mixed materials. Precise construction. And the message is received loud and clear. Concinnity offers a coordinated suite of desks, tables and storage components to provide the ultimate luxury of choice. The dignified style and diverse selection combine to create agile, high performance spaces. From open areas to private offices. From individual focus to group collaboration. From highly functional to high-end aesthetics. Concinnity brings harmony back to your space.

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